Norvic Philatelics - The stamps and services of UniversalMail UK

UniversalMail has entered the UK postage stamp scene with some stunning stamp designs and is the first of Royal Mail's competitors to make stamps available to the public in general.  

UniversalMail UK Ltd was established in 2006 following deregulation of the UK postal industry.  While most of Royal Mail's competitors have concentrated on the high-volume mass-mail and business market, leaving Royal Mail to do the final sorting and delivery, UniversalMail UK has an access agreement with Royal Mail which enables any postcard or envelope(*) bearing a UniversalMail UK postage stamp to be posted to any detination outside the UK through the extensive network of Royal Mail post boxes, located throughout the country. All UniversalMail UK postage stamps are also accepted over the counter at Royal Mail Post Office branches. UniversalMail UK’s clients include tourist operators, regional tourist offices (information centres), hotels, general retailers and souvenir shops.

The first stamps were self-adhesive, produced in October 2008 by Joh. Enschede Security Print, The Netherlands by offset litho with one phosphor band*.
*See the foot of the page for details of conditions and printing details.

We will be very interested to hear from anybody who has received a letter or postcard from the United Kingdom which uses one of these new stamps.  In particular we would like to see any Royal Mail or UniversalMail postal markings and to post images of such items on this page.  Please e-mail with details and pictures of use of UniversalMail UK stamps.

All stamp designs here are the copyright of UniversalMail United Kingdom Ltd and are used with their permission © 2008/9.
The numbering system is copyright Norvic Philatelics © 2009

Please note: this webpage is part of the Norvic Philatelics website: we are stamp dealers in Norfolk, United Kingdom.  We write about stamps and postal matters both Royal Mail and it's competitors.  Whilst we do sell stamps to collectors, we are NOT UniversalMail UK, we do not sell their stamps to retailers.  For this you should visit their own website.

UniversalMail UK postage stamps October 2008

A second page of UMUK stamps is shown here.

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UniversalMail UK Letter stamp Oct 2008: Union Flag.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Big Ben by Day.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: The London Eye.

UKL0001-1 Union Flag

UKP0001-1 Big Ben by Day

UKP0001-2 The London Eye

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: St Paul's Cathedral (day).

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: The Tower of London.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Westminster Cathedral (day).

UKP0001-3 St Paul's Cathedral

UKP0001-4 The Tower of London

UKP0001-5 Westminster Cathedral (Day)

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Big Ben at night.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: St Paul's Cathedral at night.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Trafalgar Square at night.

UKP0002-1 Big Ben at night

UKP0002-2 St Paul's Cathedral at night

UKP0002-3 Trafalgar Square at night

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Tower Bridge at night.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Westminster Abbey at night.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Routemaster Bus.

UKP0002-4 Tower Bridge at night

UKP0002-4 Westminster Abbey at night

UKP0003-1 Double-decker Bus

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: London Black Taxi Cab.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Telephone Kiosk.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Metroplitan Police.

UKP0003-2 Black Cab

UKP0003-3 Telephone Box

UKP0003-4 Metroplitan Police

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Guardsman at Buckingham Palace.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Buckingham Palace.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Kensington Palace.

UKP0003-5 Queen's Guard

UKP0005-1 Buckingham Palace

UKP0005-2 Kensington Palace

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Windsor Castle.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Hampton Court Palace.

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Picadilly Circus 1.

UKP0005-3 Windsor Castle

UKP0005-5 Hampton Court Palace

UKP0006-1 Picadilly Circus 1

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Trafalgar Square (Day).

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Picadilly Circus (night).

UniversalMail UK Postcard stamp Oct 2008: Picadilly Circus 2.

UKP0006-2 Trafalgar Square (Day)

UKP0006-3 Picadilly Circus (night)

UKP0006-5 Picadilly Circus 2

UniversalMail UK postage stamp sheets October 2008

UK0001 London Day
Contains UKP0001-1 to UKP0001-5

UK0002 London Night
Contains UKP0002-1 to UKP0002-5
UK0003 London Icons
Contains UKP0003-1 to UKP0003-5
UniversalMail UK stamp sheet London Day.
UniversalMail UK stamp sheet London Night.
UniversalMail UK stamp sheet London Icons.

UK0005 Palaces and Castles
Contains UKP0004-1 to UKP0004-4 and UKP0001-4

UK0006 Picadilly & Trafalgar
Contains UKP0006-1 to UKP0006-4 and UKP0002-3
UK0001 (Letter) Union Jack
Contains UKL0001-1 x 5
UniversalMail UK stamp sheet Palaces and Castles.
UniversalMail UK stamp sheet Picadilly & Trafalgar.
UniversalMail UK Letters stamp sheet Union Flag.
UK0004 Tower Bridge - contains UKP0002-4 x 5 copies
UK0007 London Eye - contains UKP0001-2 x 5 copies
UK0008 Big Ben - contains UKP0001-1 x 5 copies
UK0009 Buckingham Palace - contains UKP0005-1 x 5 copies

Conditions for use of UniversalMail UK stamps

reverse of UniversalMail UK stamp sheets.These stamps are for International Mail only. The limits are:
Postcards up to 10gr in weight and maximum dimensions 120 x 235mm.
Letters up to 20gr in weight, and maximum dimensions 165 x 240 x 5mm.

Stamp production information

UniversalMail United Kingdom First Edition Stamps

Quantity printed: 10x10.000 ex.
Paper: Self adhesive stamp paper weight 196 gms
Printing sheet size: 470x640mm
Printing technique: Offset litho in two separate runs:
Press: Mitsubishi offset press -
Offset litho stamp side: CMYK+phosphor
Offset litho reverse side: Black+matt varnish
Perforation and Sombrero-type Euro lock: produced on Heidelberger letter press using 2 die plates
Printed by: Joh. Enschede Security Print , The Netherlands
Date: October 2008

Photo Credits
Piccadilly Circus - Piccadilly & Trafalgar stamp series
Big Ben - London Day stamp series and Big Ben stamp series
Black Cab - London Icons stamp series
Courtesy of photographer: Oscar Armelles,

This page created 12 February 2009, updated 12 July 2017

Any questions? please e-mail.

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Norvic Philatelics, PO Box 119, Dereham, NR20 3YN, GB. Phone: 08450 090939